As we all know that Cloud telephony can prove to be an excellent business choice that intersects both scale and service, it can help enterprises to manage the business processes at a much bigger level taking care of the quality and cost.

Services like Call routing missed call, IVR solutions, call recordings, call forwarding, etc without any external hardware, software or infrastructure helps enterprises to save a huge chunk of investment helping them to focus on what’s more important. Since everything is managed on a cloud system, Cloud telephony has an array of benefits that an enterprise can reap to provide exceptional services to its customers.

Let’s look at some benefits of cloud telephony over the traditional system used to manage call-centre services:

Traditional SystemCloud Telephony
Huge spaces and heavy investment in capital infrastructure to install & maintain the older traditional system of EPABX or PBX systems.Scalability restrictions are a big drawback in traditional systems as businesses don’t tend to remain static for a longer time and require change according to the situation demands.Traditional systems offer bundled up services to enterprises which might/might not require features but end up paying for them.Since every process and activity is managed on the cloud, there arises no need for capital infrastructure thus saving major costs for enterprises.Easy to scale depending on the business requirement which might change accordingly.Cloud telephony provides tailor-made solutions depending upon the need of the hour for the business thus investing cost on services which are a mandate.

Cloud telephony solutions are agile and help companies invest cost on features that are important for providing quality services to customers.

Also Read:- Cloud technology changing business landscapes

Below are the reasons why businesses should look forward to leverage cloud telephony services to gain maximum advantage and meet the demands of their customers.

No external IT Team required:

Since the modern cloud telephony system work on a cloud, all new updates or innovations get installed in no time without any reliance on external departments like IT. Hosting all your communication on the cloud will always give you updated services thus making your digital outlook more strong and better.

Flexible working:

Cloud system host all the communication online thus allowing employees and agents to work freely without any bounds. Employees do not have to stick to a particular place or a particular time to answer calls of customers. With cloud telephony systems, they can offer their services from anywhere at any point in time without any confinement.

Easy integration with other tools:

Unlike the traditional system, With Cloud telephony solutions, businesses can integrate other tools which they use to provide services to their customers in no time. This helps employees to focus on what’s more important and provide exceptional services to customers.

Helps in expanding according to business requirements and needs:

Lately with the use of cloud telephony services, Upscaling or downsizing according to the situation is not a daunting task for enterprises anymore. Since there is no cost involved in installing cloud services, enterprises can add, delete or do modifications of any sort with just a few clicks without any external interference or cost.


The list is indeed endless and defines how enterprises can leverage cloud telephony solutions to work in a better way. Cloud Telephony provides a one-stop solution for all your business needs and requirement thus promising a great ROI.

Want to invest in a cloud telephony solution for your business and place yourself on the number one list, leverage My Telly’s Cloud-based platform and benefits yourself and your customers with its benefits.

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